Home School
The Home School/Home Education program is overseen by Stacy Stewart. Parents considering the possibility of providing a home education for their children for part or all of their secondary school program should be aware of the following policies and procedures (view full home school policy) that govern application for and approval of home study. Under Massachusetts law, students must attend public schools or an approved private school until the age of sixteen. Parents also have the right to provide for the education of their children, provided the proposal for such an educational program is approved by the local school system. The following is a summary of the procedures for obtaining approval of a home education program at Gateway Regional High School.
Parents must receive approval for a home education program from the superintendent or designee prior to the start of any school year in which they intend to provide such a program. Programs can begin at the beginning of each semester. The deadline for submitting proposals are August 10 for the Fall semester and January 10 for the Spring semester.
Home School Application - 2023-2024
Home School Application - 2024-2025
If you have questions regarding home school, please call 413-685-1011.