School Closings such as "Snow Days" will be posted on the web-site, and be broadcast over WMAS (94.7 FM/1450 AM), WHMP (99.3FM/1400AM), WHYN (93.1 FM, 97.9 FM, 560 AM, and 640 AM), ROCK 102 (102 FM), WGGB (Channel 40) and WWLP (Channel 22). When possible, we will also post information on this website and on the school closing/cancellations phone line (685-1001).
In the event of an emergency at any Gateway School that leads to a lockdown or evacuation, PARENTS SHOULD NOT PHONE OR COME TO THE SCHOOL . Telephoning the school could tie up phone lines that may be needed to manage the emergency, or prevent us from being able to contact you. Coming to the school will impede the arrival of emergency vehicles.
Information for parents will be broadcast over the same radio and television stations that announce our snow days: WMAS (94.7 FM/1450 AM), WHMP (99.3FM/1400AM), WHYN (93.1 FM, 97.9 FM, 560 AM, and 640 AM), ROCK 102 (102 FM), WGGB (Channel 40) and WWLP (Channel 22). When possible, we will also post information on this website and on the school closing/cancellations phone line (685-1001).
In some instances, it is likely that parents will be instructed to report to another school or community building to pick up their child. It is important that everyone understand how and where to get this information.